Free direct mail data health check with Pepper

  • budget
  • direct mail campaigns
  • Direct mail marketing
  • Pepper news
  • Print
  • Data Processing
  • Marketing

We can help to ensure that your data is managed & cleansed correctly but most importantly we will work with you to ensure your data is GDPR compliant.  In addition to this we can create prospect pools, perform analysis and profile your data. Our range of sophisticated data processing services are designed to complement and integrate with the full range of mailing house solutions that we provide, including direct mail management, personalisation, lettershop and polythene enclosing.

Don’t’ ignore the benefits of keeping your database up to date, these statistics underline why you need to monitor and maintain your mailing list:

  • £18m is wasted each year to mailshots being sent to deceased individuals.
  • 43% of the population feel that receiving mail for a previous occupant is impersonal and the sender is out of touch.
  • £180m is wasted by organisations through mailing out of date business information.
  • 30% of people change email address every year in the UK.

Not forgetting that inaccuracies in contact information reflect badly on the sender.

Our free no obligation data health checks will highlight the key areas of your data requiring attention from our data specialists. We report the total number of records in your file and the number of duplicates in your data at personal and family level. Our sophisticated systems identify short and blank addresses, overseas records and potential obscenities within your data. Matches against the following areas are also identified:

  • Goneaways (People who have moved).
  • Preference (People who have registered not to receive certain messages by mail).
  • Deceased.
  • Trace (find your customers new address and/or the name of the occupier at the old address).
  • PAF.

We will provide you, free of charge, with a valuable data 'Health Check' report plus a breakdown of costs involved should you wish us to proceed with any work involved. You can then decide if you would like to leave the data as is or take advantage of our easy to use service, thus ensuring that your data is maintained to the highest possible standard and in line with the DMA code of practice for responsible marketing.

Our encrypted and secure data processing software enables the highest security of your files at all times, we hold an enviable range of in house suppression datasets encompassing around 350 million records.  This ensures that your file is checked against the most comprehensive suppression lists available in the UK.

All suppression files are downloaded and indexed as soon as they become available from source.

Our fully equipped and experienced data processing department can handle all types of data management procedures including:

  • Mailsorting to Highsort (1400), Lowsort/Mailmark (CBC/OCR).
  • Advertising, Business and Publishing Mail experts.
  • Case conversions and proper address structuring.
  • Building of salutations.
  • Assigning of URN's and marketing source codes.
  • Variable letter text/images.

Make your database an effective and a vital part of your strategy; use it to increase your customer satisfaction with your brand and increase your sales, Pepper Managing Director, Jude Whitford firmly believes that “Data is at the heart of successful communications”.

To find out how we can help to ensure that your data is managed correctly, create prospect pools, perform analysis, segment, cleanse and profile your data…

Contact Caine, our Customer Experience Manager on 0845 0 60 30 50 or email for a free data health check report.

Tell us what you think @PepperComms have you claimed your report?

Related: your data is important, direct mail services

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