Ways to be proactive in these challenging times

  • budget
  • direct mail campaigns
  • Direct mail marketing
  • Print
  • Data Processing
  • Marketing
  • Database Quality
  • COVID-19
  • Coronavirus

We have outlined some key areas below that may be helpful in getting proactive, whether you're acting now or preparing for the bounce back, let’s get busy!

  • Use time wisely
    Utilise the extra hours constructively to work on the things you normally wish you had time for.
  • Marketing Budgets may need to be repurposed
    Conferences/Events/trade shows are being cancelled at scale, so Marketing Budgets are now being repurposed to ensure continuity in lead generation through online and offline channels.
  • Re-Invent your creatives 
    It’s a good time to design! Designers, especially working from home can really get their teeth stuck into new creative projects for your company.
  • Reassurance mailings
    Just as you are reading this, and no doubt you have received countless emails on the current situation, a posted printed letter or mailer can speak volumes to your customers and printed material mailed out to a recipient is trusted and the physical nature is reassuring.
  • Prepare your data. Utilise your time to go through your data, this could be profiling to create personas. (Here’s a great tool for that) Segmenting and really spending the time to drill down, analyse and draw out insights can be invaluable in crafting messages that will resonate.

There are areas of the economy that are booming, obviously the supermarkets are doing well as people stock pile, but other sectors too such as gardening, DIY and crafting are doing well as people seek to fill the time and long days of boredom. Think about how with more people at home for longer your products or services could help them, and we can help you reach them. 

We are happy to help with all of the above so get in touch and we’d be happy to advise.

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