The Power of Direct Mail Marketing

  • Direct mail marketing
  • Direct Mail Services
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  • media inserts
  • our guide to print finishes
  • point of sale
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  • printing

The majority of your marketing will be digital but have you considered that many consumers want information and offers via print communications? Have you considered the advantages of a print campaign? Tangible and attention grabbing media helps connect businesses with consumers at home, on their terms.

Putting physical printed communication items in people’s hands via direct marketing distribution methods like direct mail and door drop can drive online sales. With over 60% of PC, tablet and smart phone use taking place in the home, printed communication entices prospects to conclude the transaction online. In turn this deepens brand engagement with your target audience. Retention rates through the inclusion of customer personalisation are also greatly increased when you make your marketing collateral “real”.

Here’s how you can make your printed communication attractive to consumers:

  • Content
 A persuasive, informative or innovative print marketing campaign can boost sales. 
Print gives a sense of legitimacy and is excellent for solidifying your brand identity.
  • Creative finishes
 Impactful and creative print will grab attention, consider a bespoke die-cut, premium paper stock, different print finishes - foil seal or spot UV and not forgetting 
stand-out design.
  • Design Clearly brand your communications and integrate attractive call to actions like offers or codes. Make sure your design stands-out with attention grabbing imagery and colours.
  • Personalisation Instead of Dear Homeowner why not personalise your mail? Including recipes, tips, trackable vouchers and other offers will increase retention. Here is an example of an effective personalised marketing campaign.

But don’t rule out…

  • Digital integration
 A print campaign can be an asset to any multi-media campaign. Use it as part of the media mix to create a valuable marketing suite.

Despite what you may have heard about print, it is here to stay. Contact Lucy our Business Development Manager on
 to find out how we can help deliver your print and direct mail campaign.

Further reading: Did you know that social networkers respond well to direct mail campaigns? Here are some great social media user insights:

How Social Networkers interact with direct mail.

Tell us what you think @PepperComms, what has been your favourite print campaign?

Related: direct mail servicesenclosing solutions, media inserts, our guide to print finishes

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